Reading Week 15: Lang pt 1 Extra Reading
Fairy Tales by Andrew Lang
I Know What I have Learned
This story made no sense to me. Why on earth did that man think that he could do everything that the trolls did? And he just left 6 bags of gold in the road? He does not seem like the smartest in the land.
Lovely Ilonka
I liked how in this story the King wouldn't let his son get married until he accomplished a quest. It was a bit weird how the prince went about it thought. I also that it was odd that the royal family could be so easily fooled into marrying off the prince to the wrong person.
The Death of the Sun-Hero
Staying awake for 9 days and nights sounds exhausting. Staying awake for that long will definitely cause you to hallucinate.
The Voice of Death
Stories like this seem all the same to me. The character spends all this time avoiding death, and it is a waste of time because it is futile. They might as well make the most of what time they have.
The Goat's Ears of Emperor Trojan
Stories like this make me wonder why Emperor's have so much power that they can kill someone for acknowledging that they have weird shaped ears.

Mountain Goat, Source: Wikimedia Commons
I Know What I have Learned
This story made no sense to me. Why on earth did that man think that he could do everything that the trolls did? And he just left 6 bags of gold in the road? He does not seem like the smartest in the land.
Lovely Ilonka
I liked how in this story the King wouldn't let his son get married until he accomplished a quest. It was a bit weird how the prince went about it thought. I also that it was odd that the royal family could be so easily fooled into marrying off the prince to the wrong person.
The Death of the Sun-Hero
Staying awake for 9 days and nights sounds exhausting. Staying awake for that long will definitely cause you to hallucinate.
The Voice of Death
Stories like this seem all the same to me. The character spends all this time avoiding death, and it is a waste of time because it is futile. They might as well make the most of what time they have.
The Goat's Ears of Emperor Trojan
Stories like this make me wonder why Emperor's have so much power that they can kill someone for acknowledging that they have weird shaped ears.
Mountain Goat, Source: Wikimedia Commons
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