Reading Notes: Arabian Nights Part B
The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang

First of all, Aladdin's father died because he was grieved that his son didn't have a job. That is very dramatic.
I like the character of Aladdin in this story. He doesn't take time to make decisions, he immediately acts. Even though his behavior is somewhat impulsive, everything always seems to work out for him. Having a character behave like that would be fun.
The princess goes through some stressful situations in this story. On her wedding night to the son of the kings main adviser, Aladdin has his genie transport herself and her husband to his house, makes her husband sleep in the cold while Aladdin shares a bed with her. Aladdin does this every night until the princess and her husband are so scared that they decide to break off the marriage. Then Aladdin marries her and she seems happy, despite him having kidnapped her on her previous marriage's wedding night. Rewriting the story in her perspective would add a dimension to this story that I believe it is lacking.

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