Reading Notes, Week 11: Hiawitha part B
The Song of Hiawatha, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1855
Hiawatha and the Pearl-Feather
Nokomis points west, and tells Hiawatha about the great Pearl-Feather, guarded by serpents. Apparently the great Pearl Feather killed her father. She wants him to avenge her father. Hiawatha agreed. He killed the serpents when they did not let him pass. When he arrived, PF told him to go back, for he will kill him like Nokomis's father. They battled. A woodpecker told Hiawatha told him where megissogwon was vulnerable, and that he should shoot there. 3 arrows. PF was killed. Hia put some of the blood on the woodpecker as a thankyou, and woodpeckers have red feathers to this day.
Hiawatha's Wooing
Hia still loves Minnehaha. Nokomis wants him to marry from his own people. Hia went to go get Minnehaha. He proposed; she accepted. The headed Home.
Hiawatha's Wedding-Feast
Pau-Puk_Keewis was asked to dance at the wedding. Chibiabos was asked to sing. Iagoo boasted of Hiawatha's achievements. Iagoo told a story of Osseo, the magician.
The Son of the Evening Star
Osseo is the son of the evening star. The youngest of a hunters ten daughters, Oweenee, was the prettiest. She married Osseo, despite his age and looks. His spirit was beautiful. He died and was transformed into a youth again. Oweenee was transformed into an old woman. They still took care of each other. Osseo's father took them to his home, turned their inlaws into birds, and made Oweenee beautiful again. She bore Osseo a son. The in-laws were turned into pigmies.

Hiawatha and the Pearl-Feather
Nokomis points west, and tells Hiawatha about the great Pearl-Feather, guarded by serpents. Apparently the great Pearl Feather killed her father. She wants him to avenge her father. Hiawatha agreed. He killed the serpents when they did not let him pass. When he arrived, PF told him to go back, for he will kill him like Nokomis's father. They battled. A woodpecker told Hiawatha told him where megissogwon was vulnerable, and that he should shoot there. 3 arrows. PF was killed. Hia put some of the blood on the woodpecker as a thankyou, and woodpeckers have red feathers to this day.
Hiawatha's Wooing
Hia still loves Minnehaha. Nokomis wants him to marry from his own people. Hia went to go get Minnehaha. He proposed; she accepted. The headed Home.
Hiawatha's Wedding-Feast
Pau-Puk_Keewis was asked to dance at the wedding. Chibiabos was asked to sing. Iagoo boasted of Hiawatha's achievements. Iagoo told a story of Osseo, the magician.
The Son of the Evening Star
Osseo is the son of the evening star. The youngest of a hunters ten daughters, Oweenee, was the prettiest. She married Osseo, despite his age and looks. His spirit was beautiful. He died and was transformed into a youth again. Oweenee was transformed into an old woman. They still took care of each other. Osseo's father took them to his home, turned their inlaws into birds, and made Oweenee beautiful again. She bore Osseo a son. The in-laws were turned into pigmies.

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