Reading Week 13: Nursery Rhymes part B

The Nursery Rhyme Book by Andrew Lang

cock a doodle do, my dame has lost her shoe

To market to Market to by a fat pig

Love and Matrimony:
Jack Sprat
Did you see my wife, did you see

Natural History:
IN the month of February, When green leaves begin to spring, little lambs do skip like faries, birds do couple, build and sing

Lady bird, Lady bird, fly away home

Mary had a pretty bird, with feathers bright and yellow

Little Girl, little girl, where have you been, gathering roses to give to the queen

Accumulative Stories:
Little Miss Muffet

What are little boys or girls made of?

File:Little Miss Muffet 1 - WW Denslow - Project Gutenberg etext 18546.jpg
Little Miss Muffet, Source: Wikimedia Commons


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